Uusi husdata softaversio tullut. En ole testannut vielä. H60 gateway adapteri saapui ja sitä ajattelin kokeilla tuon softan tai home assistentin kanssa.
http://www.heatpumponline.se/docs/h60-manual/api-integration/statlink-software/StatLink for H60 Ver. 5.3.1 publicerad 2020-12-29
Windows software for the H60 gateway
https://husdata.se/download.aspOnko joku muu jo kokeillut tuota uutta softaa?
H60 asennusohjeessa sanotaan ... selvennyksillä alla, kun alkuperäinen ohje hieman epätarkka
http://www.heatpumponline.se/docs/h60-manual/quick-start-guide/1. Open up the H60 case
- Attach the Heat pump specific interface cable (00 mallin kaapeli) to the H60 main unit.
- Be careful not to connect it the wrong way or unaligned
- Use the cable cut-out in casing as guidance for its direction
- Attach the lid back. 4 ruuvia kiinni...
2. Connect H60 to your Heat pump
- Connect the H60 to your heat pump following the specific instructions provided for your heat pump type
- ohjeet tuli kaapeliohjeen mukana
- tarkistin oman pumpun softaversion ja oli 3.04
- See the user manual for your heat pump cable on how to do this properly.
- Sammutetaan pumpusta sähköt off ja turvakytkimillä virta pois (noin omassa ht+ mallissa)
1st start up of H60Power up the Heat Pump. Now the GREEN LED will flash fast telling that it started in WIFI Access Point configuration mode.
Access Point (AP) means that it is visible network AP device and you can connect to it over Wi-Fi, just like connecting to home router.
IF the H60 GREEN-LED is not flashing fast, push the button (?) on H60 and hold it 2 seconds
- niitä nappuloita on 2 kpl. Ledejä on vihreä ja punainen...
until then green led is flashing fast telling it is in AP mode
Connect to H60 Access PointUse your Smartphone or a computer over WiFi and connect to the H60 as follows.
Go to WiFi setting of your phone or computer and scan for visible wifi networks.
You should find a wifi network, which SSID is called “
Husdata H60”.
Select it and connect to the network. No wifi password is needed.
5. Configure the H60 to connec to your own existing wifi network and
Set your Wifi credentials- eli AP moodissa konffataan H60 toimimaan ja liittymään oman vanhan wifi verkkoon päätelaitteena (clienttina) resetin jälkeen
Next, start a browser (Safari, Google chrome, IE) and type in “husdata.net” in the address field.
Now you should be able to access the web portal of the H60 and its welcome page.
Fill in to H60 settings box: SSID id of your existing home network -
Note that this information is uper/lower case sensitive.
Password of
your own home network - Note this is also case sensitive
EMAIL: We recommend you enter your email address so that the H60 can mail you the IP Address of H60 in your own network
You need this ip address if you would like to access this h60 web portal later for additional configuration or monitoring
It will also send you a mail with guidance information if something goes wrong.
When finished, click
(H60 purkissa on reset ja init nappulat - ei koske noita nappuloita)
- JOS yllä mainittu konfigurointi menee menee ok, niin ruudulle tulee:
Connecting to your wifi network
Check for an email (may be in a spam folder) from the H60 to access the unit!
To repeat the setup procedure, hold INIT button until green led stops flashing6. Finalizing
- If all worked well in config set-up you should have got an email with some info from H60 when it re-started.
mailin saapuminen kestää pitkään. Varaudu tintien tai päivän odotteluun- From this mail you will also find a link to register the device and get a trial period on Husdata Online.
7. Done
- check Troubleshooting section
http://www.heatpumponline.se/docs/h60-manual/troubleshooting/ in this manual to verify correct start up sequence.
8. Register trial for Husdata Online
- Husdata online give you an easy way to get online to analyse all heat pump data
and remote control settings using a computer or smart mobile.
- Other features are Notifications via SMS or email, automatic reports, etc.
- Read more: husdata.se/online
How can I evaluate this service?
In the mail H60 sends at startup, there is a link to register and request a trial.
You will get a mail with account information when your registration is confirmed.
If you after the trial want to continue to use the service, there is a function to
subscribe in the Husdata account profile. Please check that the H60 setting HD_ONLINE is set to 1.
Ensimmäinen yrite oli oman olemassa olevan wifi verkon credentiaaleilla. Tein save & restart nappulan painamisen
- purkki ilmeisesti käynnistyi uudestaan (en varmistanut mitä purkin valoissa näkyi)
- ledit vilkkuvat seuraavasti save-resetin jälkeen kiihkeästi
- ei tullut sähköpostia
Sotkujen selvitysohjeet:
http://www.heatpumponline.se/docs/h60-manual/troubleshooting/Normal start up sequence (after reset) Green LED statuses
. . . . One flash: Connecting to Wi-Fi
.. .. .. .. Two flashes: Wi-Fi ok, Connecting to Heat Pump
… … … … Three flashes: Wi-Fi and HP ok, Connecting to Husdata Online
__ __ __ __ Slow flashing: All initiated and OK, Normal operations.
………………… Fast flashing : Access Point Mode.
_____________ Fixed light: Initializing heatpump (short period at first start)
- Punaisesta ledistä ei sanota mitään truppelshoot ohjeissa, mutta se on liikennöintivalo.
- tabletti löysi edelleen verkon husdata.net ja menin sinne selaimella ja alustuksen talletettuja tietoja ei näkynyt.
- taisin tehdä SSID:n syötössä virheen ....ei ollut upper case
- Tein alkuasetukset uudestaan ja syötin SSID:n isolla ja tuli tuo aikaisemmin mainittu connect text...
- ledit vilkuttelee tiuhaan punaista ja harvakseen vihreätä -> lienee ok
- pitää ehkä vielä tehdä advanced settingsit, jotta saa dedikoidun ip:n h60 purkille tai sitten sen linkkaa reitittimessä
- ei sähköpostia...
- sähköposti tuli useamman tunnin odotuksen jälkeen
Kun H60 on liittynyt onnistuneesti omaan wifi verkkoon voi mennä konffaamaan H60 interfacea kirjoittamalla web selaimen osoiteriville H60-purkin sisäverkon ip osoitteen 192.168.x.y, jonka voi katsoa oman kotireitittimen liittyneiden clienttien listalta. listauksessa h60 tunniste alkaa
ESP_FB...... H60:lle kannattaa antaa kiinteä ip tuolla selaimen conffasivulla.
192.168.x.y ja enter perään niin aukeaa näkymä.
Jos H60 tai H66 menee perätilaan, niin voi tehdä
INIT nappulan painalluksella uudelleen aloituksen
Buttons lähde:
https://husdata.se/docs/h60-manual/product-overview/The device has two buttons on its side.
Reset button will restart the unit, normally never used but if it gets stuck in an update or something it may be useful.
Init button has two functions.
By holding it for
2 seconds, the unit will be put in AP (Access Point) mode so you can access the unit by connecting to its
SSID "Husdata H66". See support section.
By holding the button for
6 seconds until the green led goes dark the unit will load default / factory reset config.